Aw Darn I Got Dead Again Patrick

One of our favourite films EVER!

The Outlaw Josey Wales is a 1976 American revisionist Western DeLuxe Color and Panavision film set during and later on the American Civil War. It was directed by and starred Clint Eastwood (equally the eponymous Josey Wales), with Chief Dan George, Sondra Locke, Sam Bottoms, and Geraldine Keams. The film tells the story of Josey Wales, a Missouri farmer whose family is murdered by Union militants during the Civil War. Driven to revenge, Wales joins a Confederate guerrilla band and fights in the Civil War. Afterward the war, all the fighters in Wales' group except for Wales surrender to Spousal relationship officers, merely they end up being massacred. Wales becomes an outlaw and is pursued by bounty hunters and Union soldiers.

Compensation hunter #1: You're wanted, Wales.
Josey Wales: Reckon I'm right popular. Y'all a bounty hunter?
Bounty hunter #1: A man's got to do something for a living these days.
Josey Wales: Dyin' ain't much of a living, boy.

Josey Wales: At present remember, when things look bad and information technology looks similar you lot're non gonna go far, and so you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-domestic dog mean. 'Cause if y'all lose your head and yous surrender and so you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is.

Ten Bears: These things you say we will have, we already have.
Josey Wales: That'due south truthful. I ain't promising you nothing extra. I'1000 just giving you life and y'all're giving me life. And I'm maxim that men can live together without butchering 1 some other.
10 Bears: It'south lamentable that governments are chiefed by the double tongues. In that location is atomic number 26 in your words of death for all Comanche to encounter, and then there is fe in your words of life. No signed paper can concord the iron. Information technology must come from men. The words of Ten Bears carries the same iron of life and expiry. It is practiced that warriors such equally we meet in the struggle of life… or expiry. Information technology shall be life.

Josey Wales: When I get to likin' someone, they own't around long.
Lonely Watie: I notice when you lot become to DISlikin' someone they ain't effectually for long neither.

Laura Lee: Kansas was all golden and smelled like sunshine.
Josey Wales: Yes, well, I always heard in that location were 3 kinds of suns in Kansas, sunshine, sunflowers, and sons-of-bitches.

Solitary Watie: [realizes Josey has snuck up backside and pulled a gun on him] They said a man could get rich on reward money if he could kill yous.
Josey Wales: Seems like you was looking to proceeds some money here.
Solitary Watie: Actually, I was looking to proceeds an edge. I idea y'all might be someone who would sneak up backside me with a gun.
Josey Wales: Where'd yous ever get an thought like that? Besides it ain't supposed to exist easy to sneak upwardly behind an Indian
Lone Watie: I'm an Indian, all right; simply here in the nation they telephone call the states the "civilized tribe". They call the states "civilized" because nosotros're like shooting fish in a barrel to sneak upward on. White men accept been sneaking upwards on us for years.

Josey Wales: Are y'all gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?

Josie Wales: You lot be Ten Bears?
10 Bears: I am 10 Bears.
Josie Wales: I'chiliad Josey Wales.
Ten Bears: I accept heard. You are the grayness rider. You would not make peace with the Bluecoats. You may go in peace.
Josie Wales: I reckon not. I got no place else to go.
Ten Bears: Then you will die.
Josie Wales: I came here to dice with y'all. Or to live with you.


Josey Wales: Y'all have any food here?
Lone Watie: All I have is a piece of difficult rock candy. But it'south not for eatin'. It'southward only for lookin' through.

Jamie: I wish we had fourth dimension to bury them fellas.
Josey Wales: To hell with them fellas. Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.

Lone Watie: I'one thousand gettin' improve at sneaking upward on you like this. Only an Indian can do something like this.
Josey Wales: That's what I figured.
Alone Watie: Yous figured?
Josey Wales: Merely an Indian could practise something like that.
[Lone Watie hears a gun erect behind him; turns and sees Moonlight]
Alone Watie: It'south not right; this damn adult female doing something similar this to me. I used to have ability. Now former historic period is creeping up on me.
Josey Wales: More like erstwhile habits than sometime age.

[Fletcher knows he'due south talking to Josey Wales]
Fletcher: I think I'll become down to Mexico to endeavour to discover him.
Josey Wales: And then?
Fletcher: He'due south got the commencement motion. I owe him that. I retrieve I'll try to tell him the war is over. What exercise you say, Mr. Wilson?
Josey Wales: I reckon and then. I guess we all died a piddling in that damn war.

Solitary Watie: Nosotros idea about it for a long time, "Endeavor to persevere." And when we had idea about it long plenty, we declared war on the Union.

Senator: The state of war's over. Our side won the state of war. Now we must busy ourselves winning the peace. And Fletcher, at that place's an one-time maxim: To the victors vest the spoils.
Fletcher: There's another old maxim, Senator: Don't piss down my back and tell me information technology's raining.

[Missouri guerillas come upon Josey sitting past his family unit'southward graves]
"Bloody Bill" Anderson: Proper noun'south Anderson. Bloody Bill's what they call me.
[Looks effectually]
"Bloody Neb" Anderson: Cerise Legs? You lot'll discover them up in Kansas. They're with the Union. And we're goin' up at that place and set things aright.
Josey Wales: I'll be comin' with you.

[putting his dead friend on a horse and sending him into the enemy camp]
Josey Wales: This boy was brought up in a time of blood and dying and never questioned a bit of information technology. He never turned his back on his folks or his kind. I rode with him… and I got no complaints. The blue bellies will give ya a amend burial than I tin can, boy.

Granny Hawkins: So, you'll be Josey Wales.
Josey Wales: Now, how might y'all know that, Granny?
Granny Hawkins: Soldiers were here looking for you 'bout two hours ago.
[Josey looks at Carstairs]
Sim Carstairs: Uh, I was goin' to mention that to y'all… as soon as I got the chance.
Granny Hawkins: They say you killed your own men.
Jamie: Those lying, bluish-scum bellies…
Granny Hawkins: They say you're a hard put and desperate man, Josey Wales. They're goin' to heel and hide you to a barn door. Yous know what I say?
Josey Wales: What's that?
Granny Hawkins: I say that big talk's worth doodly-squat. Now, them poultices be laced with feathermoss and mustard root. Mind you drop h2o on 'em occasional and keep 'em damp.
[Walks off]
Granny Hawkins: Yous can pay me when you see me again, Josey Wales.
Josey Wales: I reckon so.

[Josey and Alone Watie are relaxing after Moonlight has cooked for them]
Lone Watie: That meal was damn skilful. I'chiliad gonna have upward teepee livin' if it's like this. You know she thinks I'm some kind of a Cherokee chief.
Josey Wales: I wonder where she ever got that thought.

Solitary Watie: [Josie has walked up on Solitary and Moonlight having sex activity] Howdy.
Josey Wales: Howdy.
Lone Watie: Somethin' incorrect?
Josey Wales: Uh, no.
Lone Watie: I guess you were right.
Lone Watie: I ain't that old after all.


Senator: Fletcher, there's an old maxim, to the victors vest the spoils.
Fletcher: There's another quondam proverb Senator. Don't piss down my dorsum and tell me information technology's raining.

Lone Watie: Get prepare, trivial lady. Hell is coming to breakfast.

Lone Watie: I didn't surrender, but they took my equus caballus and made him surrender. They have him pulling a wagon upwards in Kansas I bet.

Fletcher: Damn you, Senator. You promised me those men would be decently treated.
Senator Lane: They were decently treated. They were decently fed and so they were decently shot. Those men are mutual outlaws, nada more than.

Captain Terrill: Not a difficult man to track. Leaves dead men wherever he goes.

Lone Watie: How did y'all know which one was goin' to shoot showtime?
Josie Wales: Well, that one in the heart: he had a flap holster and he was in no itchin' hurry. And the one second from the left: he had scared optics, he wasn't gonna do nothin'. But that one on the far left: he had crazy eyes. Figured him to brand the showtime movement.
Lone Watie: How 'bout the one on the right?
Josie Wales: Never paid him no listen; you lot were there.
Alone Watie: I could have missed.

Carpetbagger: Your immature friend could apply some assist.
[holds up a bottle of patent medicine]
Carpetbagger: This is information technology… one dollar a canteen. It works wonders on wounds.
Josey Wales: Works wonders on just about everything, eh?
Carpetbagger: Information technology can do nigh anything.
Josey Wales: [spits tobacco juice on the carpetbagger's glaze] How is it with stains?

Grandma Sarah: This can't be Santa Rio! My son, Tom Turner, said information technology was a thriving town!
Kelly: It was; but when the silver run out, the thrivin' run out with it.

Kelly: [Josie has walked into the saloon in Santa Rio] What'll you have?
Josey Wales: Whiskey.
Rose: [laughing] Maybe you'd like somethin' else.
Josey Wales: Beer?
Kelly: Been a long time since somebody ordered a potable in San Rio.
X Spot: Been a long time since we had anythin' to drink.
Kelly: Yep, kickoff the silver run out, then the people run out, then the whiskey run out, then the beer run out. Don't affair, it's good to see a high roller come up through.
[Josie walks out]
Kelly: What'southward the matter with him?
Rose: I guess some folks don't like to be called 'high rollers'. I knew a man one time; he didn't like to be called 'loftier handed'.
Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)
Fletcher: [Fletcher notices Terrell continuing with Lane] What the hell is this Redleg doin' here? You said regular Federal authorities would be handling this!
Senator Lane: Helm Terrell is the regular Federal dominance now.
Fletcher: Captain Terrell is a bloodthirsty sonofabitch! He's a looter and a pillager! He's the worst enemy those men accept got!

Jamie: [afterward Jamie and Josie impale Abe and Lige] I figured you lot could use some help.
Josey Wales: You get those holes a-leakin', I'grand gonna whomp you with a knotted plow line.

Josey Wales: [referring to Lone's dog] Chief, I was just wondering: I suppose that mangy scarlet-bone hound's got no place else to get either.
[spits tobacco juice on the dog'southward forehead]
Josey Wales: He might as well ride along with u.s.a.; Hell, everybody else is.

Jamie: You lot tin can't get 'em all, Josie.
Josey Wales: That'due south a fact.
Jamie: How come you're doing this, then?
Josey Wales: Because I ain't got nothin' amend to do.

Sim Carstairs: Ten twelvemonth I been ferryin' Kansas Redlegs, Union cavalry, Missouri guerillas… you name it. Mad dogs them guerillas. Yous await sideways at 'em…
[snaps a rope like a noose]
Sim Carstairs: they kill ya.
Carpetbagger: Sound like hard men to do business with.
Sim Carstairs: Y'all bet. You know in my line of piece of work, you gotta be able either to sing "The Battle Hymn Of The Republic" or "Dixie" with equal enthusiasm… dependin' upon present company.
Carpetbagger: Can't say equally I blame you for that. But good business concern to play it prophylactic.

[telling Capt. Terrell why they need to get in a different management than Wales' true course]
Fletcher: Look at those boys over there: tied-downwards guns. Bounty hunters. Come out of a war, got no other manner to make a livin'. Every last mother's son of them wants that money you got on Wales' caput. At present, you and me didn't ride all that way for that. I don't want to hear Wales expressionless… I want to Run across Wales expressionless.

Lige: Benny! Come out! We got us the Josey Wales.

Captain Terrill: [to Josey] Josey Wales! You're all alone now, Wales!
Lone Watie: [Extending a rifle barrel from a cabin window] Well, he's not exactly *alone*.

Solitary Watie: Get Gear up petty lady.
Grandma Sarah: What?
Lone Watie: Hell is coming to breakfast.

Josey Wales: Anyone gets hit, sing out. Slap iron to it. It'south the fastest way to stop the blood.

[first lines]
Josey's wife: Piffling Josey! C'monday in, let'south get you cleaned up!

Lone Watie: I'g glad you lot stopped me when you did. I might accept killed her.

[the Comanchero leader has stopped his men from raping Laura Lee]
Comanchero Leader: Yous damn fools! X Bears gonna desire him a fresh woman. Fresh, that piffling gal will bring ten, perchance twelve horses. Now, if one of yous has to, you can take that old woman over there. She might be worth one donkey.

[Grandma Sarah notices that Lone Watie has painted his face]
Grandma Sarah: What's all that pigment almost?
Lone Watie: Information technology's my death face.
Grandma Sarah: You know, we're sure gonna show them redskins somethin' tomorrow. No offense meant.
Lonely Watie: None taken.

Fletcher: He's
Fletcher: has got the first motility And I'd tell him.
Josey Wales: What'due south that?
Fletcher: That the war is over.
Josey Wales: I reckon we all lost a petty bit in that damn war.

Grandma Sarah: This Mr. Wales is a cold-blooded killer. He's from Missouri, where they're all known to be killers of innocent men, women and children.
Lone Watie: Would you lot rather be riding with Comancheros, Granny?
Grandma Sarah: No, I wouldn't.



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