Is It Safe to Take Bc Powder While Pregnant

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Hi, I am 9 wks pregnant with my first baby & I had a pounding headache & i anxiously took a BC powder not knowing it was a bad idea while pregnant. Will this harm my baby???

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I'm pretty sure once won't hurt. Some of our doctors allow Motrin to be taken until 28 weeks. I'd stick with Tylenol from now on though.


BC powder has aspirin in it. Aspirin is a blood thinner and can, even in one dose, cause issues with blood flow and nutrients and functions of the placenta and baby. I would contact your dr asap as they may want to monitor baby until it is out of your system.

I have friends with fertility issues who took baby aspirin before and during pregnancy per the OB. There kids are fine but call your dr so you have peace of mind.


I took aspirin during all three of my pregnancies while I was taking progesterone supplements. It's completely safe. I don't understand where you get that aspirin is dangerous? Anyway I really don't know about bc powder but whatever is in small quantities and so early on in pregnancy should be harmless.

Bc powder is aspirin and caffeine. Aspirin is a category d drug according to the FDA. Category D says there are know side effects and abnormalities caused by the drug. According to Mayo clinic, side effects include abnormalities of the heart valves as well as hemorrhaging due to the blood thinning properties. Many who have clotting disorders or are taking other medications that may cause clotting may be required to take aspirin to counteract the negative effects of excessive clotting during pregnancy. If you take it but weren't directed by your dr to, you should discuss it with your dr. They will evaluate your risks from there, but certainly don't take it again without consulting with your drs that know your medical history.


@annie- thanks for educating the "aspirin is fine" people! People shouldn't give advice if they don't have proper info.

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Is It Safe to Take Bc Powder While Pregnant


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